Top 5 Things I’ve Learned since I’ve Joined the “Medium Community”

KL Simmons
4 min readSep 24, 2021
My First Story

It’s been 10 months since I wrote and published my first blog here on Medium in late November of 2020. I’m still getting the hang of things and wanted to write about what I have learned so far.

1. Writers on this platform are much more supportive than I expected.

When I first started, I didn’t expect a lot of engagement nor did I heavily promote my posts. I was satisfied to simply write again with the intent of sharing my pieces publicly as I honed certain skills. I thought about monetizing, but that was not my initial or even short-term goal. I became a member because I wanted to read more than 3 Medium articles a month and enjoyed the wide variety of topics and excellent writers that I came across. I left comments on people’s posts (in response to stories as well as in response to comments on their pieces) and thus my level of engagement increased. I was happily surprised by the level of information, tips, tricks, claps, comments and overall support that I have experienced. I think it will only continue to grow and that excites me.

2. Publishing stories regularly is harder AND easier than I thought it would be.



KL Simmons

Seeking improvement as a writer and human. Email: Owner of the publications: Taking Off, Pure Fiction and Interracial Relations.